FONRWA urges CEO to revert parking rates
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FONRWA urges CEO to revert parking rates

Noida residents, unhappy over the hike in parking rates, write to CEO, Rama Raman, to bring back old rates.

FONRWA urges CEO to revert parking rates

Federation of Noida Resident Welfare Association (FONRWA) wrote to the CEO of Noida, Rama Raman, urging him to revert to earlier parking rates.

Initially hourly parking rates for two wheelers and cars were Rs 5 and Rs 10 respectively. Noida Authority doubled the prevailing rates recently.

"We have received numerous complaints from several RWAs. Residents are unhappy about the recent hike in parking rates," said NP Singh, President of FONRWA.

The letter issued to Noida Authority by FONRWA states that this hike is an undue burden on the residents and should be rolled back immediately.


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