New Delhi: Delhi on Friday recorded 2,920 fresh coronavirus cases, taking the cumulative tally to 2,85,672. The number of new cases reported came out of 56,258 tests conducted on the previous day. The positivity rate slightly declined to 5.19 per cent from 5.48 per cent on the previous day.
Delhi recorded 3,037 fresh cases on Thursday, 3,390 on Wednesday, 3,227 on Tuesday, 1,984 on Monday, 3,292 on Sunday, 3,372 on Saturday and 3,827 on Friday.
56,258 tests were conducted, of which 11,105 were RTPCR/CBNAAT/TrueNat tests and 45,153 were rapid antigen tests. 55,423 tests were conducted on Wednesday, 59,807 on Tuesday, 59,102 on Monday, 36,302 on Sunday, 51,416 tests on Saturday, 57,688 on Friday and 59,134 tests Thursday. The total number of tests stood at over 31.91 lakh.
37 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours. The death toll has now reached 5,438. 40 deaths were reported on Thursday and 41 on Wednesday. On Tuesday, 48 deaths were reported, which was the highest single-day fatalities since July 16. On September 26, Delhi had reported 46 deaths, while the figures for the next two days were 42 and 37 respectively.
On the other hand, Delhi reported more than 3,000 recoveries in the last 24 hours. 3,171 patients recovered from the deadly disease, taking the total recovery figure to 2,53,784 in the national capital. The recovery rate increased to 88.83 per cent from 88.63 per cent on the previous day.
The recoveries outnumbered the new cases on Friday. It affected the active cases positively. Active cases declined by 288 in the city. Delhi has now 26,450 active cases. The active cases have come down in the last few days after crossing the 30,000 mark during the last upsurge in cases.
The number of people in home isolation slightly declined to 15,852 from 15,899 on the previous day. The number of containment zones in Delhi increased to 2,648 on Friday from 2,615 on Thursday.
Meanwhile, the additional chief secretary, services, discussed the launch of an intensive coronavirus campaign with all additional chief secretaries, principal secretaries, commissioner of municipal corporations, chairman NDMC, secretaries, heads of all departments, corporations, autonomous bodies of Delhi government.