URJA asks RWAs to refrain from stopping newspaper vendors
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URJA asks RWAs to refrain from stopping newspaper vendors

However, the apex body said that the RWA should also ensure that the safety norms.

URJA asks RWAs to refrain from stopping newspaper vendors

New Delhi: An apex body of RWAs in Delhi, United Residents Joint Action (URJA) has advised all the community leaders, RWA President and Secretaries to refrain from interfering in home delivery of newspapers amid the coronavirus pandemic. 

URJA said that any interference is in violation of the orders from the competent authorities and is a punishable offence. 

However, the apex body said that the RWA should also ensure that the safety norms like mask, sanitizer etc are adhered and followed by the delivery vendor.

“Home delivery of newspapers is an essential service that should not face any hindrance. It has come to our notice that there are some housing societies and Resident Welfare Associations which are not allowing distribution of newspapers to their residents which is illegal, wrong and challenges the integrity of our society,” said Atul Goyal, President of URJA.

“There is absolutely no bar on door to door distribution of newspapers; in fact, the Union Government had, by way of a letter dated March 29, 2020 from Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla to Chief Secretaries of all States, specified that even during the lockdown due to COVID-19, the entire newspaper delivery chain will continue to be allowed to operate as part of exemptions granted to the print media,” mentioned the URJA officials.