Stop taking your headaches lightly
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Stop taking your headaches lightly

Nausea is a very common symptom among people with migraines

Stop taking your headaches lightly

Our day-to-day schedule has become so hectic nowadays that minor changes in an ordinary habit can lead to a severely disabling migraine attack. A migraine is a headache that can induce a serious beating pain, usually on one side of the head. It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

If you think your frequent headaches are not easy going and making you feel miserable then go to the doctor and get yourself examined. The doctor will notice indications and symptoms of an illness which is causing the headaches like infection, nausea, vomiting, confusion, seizures, loss of consciousness, speech difficulties, dizziness, vision changes and many more.

Migraine nausea

Credit: CitySpidey

Nausea is a very common symptom among people with migraines. Vomiting and nausea can be as alarming as the headache itself. If you have only nausea then you will be able to take the medicines but in case of vomiting, taking medicine won't be an option as it won’t stay in your body. However, delays in taking medicines lead to severe migraines.

According to PubMed Central, acupressure decreased the intensity of migraines associated with nausea starting as soon as 30 minutes, gaining improvement over 4 hours.

“When migraines happen, especially in one part of the head, it is extremely painful and feels like something is banging in the head. I can't tolerate a noisy environment or extreme exposure to light as well, it amplifies the pain. I make sure to take my medicine as soon as I feel I might have a headache but sometimes if I fail to take my medications, things turn pretty ugly and lead to nausea and vomiting,” said Nikita who was diagnosed with migraine five years back.

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How to determine migraines?

Three important points are required to know whether your headache is caused by migraines or other reasons. First, tell your doctor about your medical history and your family medical history to analyse migraines. Second, performing a medical exam by checking on your reflexes to see how your body is reacting to it. Third, go for other things like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed tomography (CT) scan.

Let's find out the possible symptoms of migraine:

  • There can be pain on one side of the head
  • There can be pulsing pain
  • You can have sensitivity to lights, sounds and smells; nausea and vomiting

Prodrome can also be felt before a migraine. Prodrome generally means an early symptom indicating the onset of a disease or illness. Prodrome can occur before 1 or 2 days of migraine and symptoms can be mood changes, irritability, food cravings, heightened thirst, neck pain or stiffness and constipation.

Another prior indication of migraine can be an aura, a sensation anticipated by a patient that precedes a condition affecting the brain. Aura can be experienced by some people during their migraines. Its symptoms can last up to an hour, which includes - vision loss, seeing shapes, difficulty in speaking, weakness on one side of the body and many more.

How to prevent migraines?

  • Identify and start ignoring triggers
  • Well, it can differ from person to person. Some might get triggered by weather, some smells, some hormonal changes and many more
  • Antidepressants can be used to prevent migraines. This medication can have unwanted side effects
  • Anti-seizure medications
  • This medication can prevent seizures along with migraine attacks. This medication can cause unwanted side effects
  • Don't take medications without asking your doctor, get yourself checked up and then go for the next step