Exercises to help release back pain
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Exercises to help release back pain

Exercise and movement can help release the pain and improve the blood flow in the body.

Exercises to help release back pain

Have you ever experienced a sudden ache in the back whenever you bend down? This is called back pain, which does not go away easily. It is a very common type of pain for adults. To heal back pain many people resist movement but health practitioners prescribe something different. They encourage exercise and staying active as a better treatment of backache.

Exercise and movement can help release the pain, strengthen your lower back and improve the blood flow in the body. Moreover, a workout can help to speed up the healing process and reduce the stiffness in the back. Then, there are a variety of exercises that backache sufferers should not do. Experts do not recommend heavy workouts or exercise which puts a lot of stress on the back muscles. So here we bring you easy exercises to relieve your back pain-

Pelvic tilts

Pelvic tilts help to release the tightness in the lower back and build strength.

Follow these steps to perform the pelvic tilts-

  • Lie down on your back on the floor.
  • Now bend the knees and keep the feet flat on the floor with arms on both sides.
  • Carefully, arch the lower back and push the stomach out.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds and then relax.
  • Relax down on the floor and flatten your back. pull the belly button in toward the floor. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Gradually increase the number of repetitions as your strength increases.

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Cat stretch

  • As the name suggests itself, you have to stretch your back in it. This pose helps to improve flexibility, releases the stress in back muscles and makes them stronger.
  • For cat stretch, you have to follow the following written steps:
  • Start by bending and get onto the hands and knees with the knees hip-width apart.
  • Now carefully arch the back, pull the belly button up toward the spine. Inhale and exhale.
  • Now gradually relax the muscles and let your body sag down.
  • Relax and repeat the same exercise 3-5 times.

Lower back rotational stretches

Doing this exercise every day can help to build up core strength. It also helps to release the tension in the lower back and trunk.
Follow these steps to perform this exercise:

  • Lie down on your back on the clean floor and bend your knees. Keep both feet flat on the ground.
  • Now, spread both your arms on the floor parallel to the shoulders on the floor.
  • Gently roll both bent knees over to one side. Hold the position for 5–10 seconds.
  • Return to the initial position.
  • Repeat the same pose for the other side and relax.
  • Repeat the exercise 2–3 times on each side twice a day.

Knee to chest stretch

Doing this exercise regularly helps to release the pain or any tension in the back and improves strength.

  • Here are the steps to perform this exercise-
  • Lie down with your back towards the floor.
  • Now keeping both feet flat on the floor, bend one of your knees.
  • Use both hands to pull one knee toward the chest. Keep the other leg straight on the floor.
  • Now hold this position by keeping your knee against the chest for 5 seconds.
  • While performing this exercise keep the abdominals tight and press the spine into the floor.
  • Come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same exercise on the opposite leg.
  • Repeat the pose with both legs 2-4 times.


This exercise involves your pelvic muscles the most and focuses on the gluteus. Whenever you sit or squat, the hips are the most involved part of the body. Keeping your pelvic muscles strong helps to keep your back stronger.

You have to follow the following written steps to perform this exercise:

  • You have to lie down on your back and bend the knees, placing the feet flat on the floor hip-width apart.
  • Now make a firm position with your feet on the floor, keeping the arms on both sides.
  • Gradually raise the buttocks off the ground until the body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees.
  • Next, you have to squeeze the buttocks and keep the shoulders on the floor.
  • Slowly bring back the buttocks to the ground and rest for a few seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Anyone experiencing lower back pain should consider their postures while sitting, standing or sleeping. Working on these exercises can help you improve core muscle strength which avoids injury and common back pain.

In case of extreme pain and discomfort, do not put any more pressure on your muscles and consult a medical expert at the earliest.