There are several laws to protect human rights and we are aware of it but do we actually know any such thing about animals? Here are 15 basic laws which should be read, understood and followed by each one of us.
Numero Uno
1. Being the citizens of India, it is our fundamental duty to have compassion for all living creatures.
Don't kill or maim!
2. Not many of us might know but it is a punishable offence to kill or maim any animal, including strays. According to Section 428 and 429, there is a provision to charge violators Rs 50 and above and imprison for a term that might be extended up to 5 years.
Pets 'abandoned'
3. Abandoning a pet animal is also an offence punishable by law. According to Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act 1960 under Section 11 (1)(i) and 11(1)(j), a maximum jail term of 3 months will be awarded to the wrongdoers.
Slaughter but only in 'house'
4. According to Rule 3 of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughterhouse) Rules, 2001 and Chapter 4, Food Safety and Standard Regulations 2011 - the slaughtering of animals, including chicken in any other place other than recognised or licensed slaughterhouse is a criminal offence. Besides, it is illegal to slaughter sick or pregnant animals.
Relocation of stray dogs
5. According to the Animal Birth Control (Dogs) Rules 2001, strays that have been operated for the birth control cannot be captured or relocated by any person or authorities but specific groups. They have been assigned to capture them for the purpose of sterilisation. Strays must be released later as well.
Denial and neglect
6.Neglecting an animal by denying her sufficient food, water, shelter and exercise or by keeping him chained or confined for long hours is punishable. According to Section 11(1)(h), PCA Act, 1960, there is a provision of fine or imprisonment of up to 3 months or both.
Owning monkeys and parakeets? Beware!
7.Animals like monkeys and parakeets are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. Therefore, it is illegal and punishable to keep them as pets.
Training animals for entertainment purposes? No way!
8. According to Section 22(ii), PCA Act 1960, animals such as monkeys, tigers, bears, lions, bulls are prohibited from being trained and used for the purpose of entertainment in circuses as well as the streets.
Animal sacrifice – Illicit!
9.The practice of animal sacrifices is illegal in every part of the country. Violation could lead to punishment under Rule 3 of the Slaughterhouse Rules, 2001.
‘Animal fights’ against the law
10.Not only just organizing but even inciting or taking part in any kind of animal fights is a definite violation of the Indian Constitution. Violation could lead to a punishment under the Section 11(1)(m)(ii) and Section 11(1)(n) of the PCA Act of 1960.
Cosmetics testing, import prohibited
11. According to Rules 148-C and 135-B of Drugs & Cosmetics Rules 1945, the cosmetics tested on animals and its import is completely banned.
Even animals need ‘space’
12. Like humans, animals too have all the rights to breathe, eat, drink and sleep. Teasing, feeding or disturbing them in a zoo are punishable offences. Besides, littering too in the premises may invite a penalty of Rs 25000 or imprisonment of up to 3 years or both as per Section 38J, Wildlife Protection Act 1972.
Don’t mess with the wild ones!
13. According to the Section 9 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, disturbing or destroying eggs or nests of birds and reptiles or chopping a tree having nests of such birds and reptiles or even attempting to do so constitutes to hunting and attracts a punishment of a fine of up to Rs. 25000 or imprisonment of up to 7 years or both.
Captivity is a crime
14. It is illegal and punishable by law to capture, cage, own, keep in captivity or sell birds including munias, mynahs, bulbuls and other species.
Transportation and Confinement
15.According to Section 11(1)(d) Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (Transport of Animal) Rules, 2001 and Motor Vehicles Act 1978, conveying or carrying animals whether in or upon any vehicle, in any manner or position which causes discomfort, pain or suffering is a punishable offence. Besides, confining hens in battery cages is a violation according to the act.
Expert's views
Talking to City Spidey on the subject, president of People For Animals (PFA) Ghaziabad chapter, Sumedha Iyer said, ”We humans have become so selfish that we just cannot stand or tolerate anyone! Animals become our easiest targets.”
“The police is reluctant to act on laws for the welfare of animals in spite of us acting as a pressure group. In many cases, the police scares the victims who feel harassment for feeding the animals,” she added.
Iyer further stated, “I have been particularly writing to the government bodies since long to plant Krishna vat or krishna cycas which attracts monkeys it will solve the problem of monkey menace in residential areas but till now, nobody has even thought of doing it.”
Talking about banned drugs and slaughtering, the PFA chief said,”Drugs like oxytocin are easily available in the market which are used by dairy owners to increase the quantity of milk are not only harmful for animals but humans. We have saved many camels from being slaughtered on Eid as well.”
On asking her the steps required to be taken to contain and stop such acts, she replied,”The judicial and police system need to get strict because as long as we do not have stringent laws, these kind of violation will continue to take place.”
Quoting Mahatma Gandhi, she concluded, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
This article is a replug on International Day for Biological Diversity