Honey is the exquisite wonder of nature came in use for its innumerable benefits since the age of Egyptian civilization. It is not only a substance but it is rather a blessing of Mother Nature that slowly but surely we have come to know about its health benefits. Honey is extensively considered to be the most powerful natural stuff to make our immune system stronger and healthier. It is basically full of natural antioxidant properties which are tremendously beneficial for multiple health problems.
We must learn more about this beautiful contribution of nature that we may access for various purposes
Strengthens Immune system
Honey has countless medicinal properties that naturally help in curing many illnesses. Its antioxidants and bacteria-fighting assets fight against infections which are caused by dangerous viruses, bacteria and fungus. According to doctors and scientists, honey is enriched with highest number of antioxidants and if it is consumed daily, it can be beneficial for boosting immunity in the long run.
Energy booster for all
Honey is known to be one of the best immunity boosting foods and at the same time it is energy booster too. It is always advisable to consume honey every morning before breakfast or even workout to get some more energy for the whole day.
Enhance the memory
Honey is helpful to improve the memory and concentration for longer period of time. If we consume honey on a regular basis then it will definitely improve our mental wellbeing as it will prevent metabolic stress and calm our nervous system very easily. Natural antioxidants and other therapeutic properties of honey will help in boosting brain’s overall system receding cells that causes memory loss.
Nourishments for the skin
Honey is a natural moisturizer that helps improving skin texture. We can use honey for our skin throughout the year irrespective of our skin types. It is beneficial for all skin type and very useful for the dry skin. Honey can be used to hea cracked lips and heels during winter and that apart it is very useful for wounds, bruises, cuts, burns and any other skin infections.
Home Remedy for Cough
Honey is known to be one of the best home remedies for dry cough as well as wet cough. Research has also shown that drinking a tablespoon of honey can reduce irritation in the throat. Honey is the preferred natural remedy for cough, especially for kids, as it helps to relieve nocturnal cough, allowing proper sleep.
Heal Wounds
Honey has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties and that is why it is used for healing wounds. Even a deep wound can be treated with honey, burn injuries and scars get erased off with continuous application of honey.
Treats sleeping disorders
Honey has the magical effect on nerves and if you are suffering from sleeping disorders then try warm milk with two table spoon of honey just before sleeping time. For centuries, people have used this drink to help them sleep.
Eases sinus issues
When we suffer from infections the viruses block the sinus and causes inflammation and discomfort. Honey is a natural anti-bacterium and anti-septic that helps to clear the infections and reduce inflammations. Consumption of honey soothes throat and reduces coughs and strengthens the immune system and it controls the sinus infections.
Helps with gum diseases
The magical effect of honey is also seen in treating gum diseases like gingivitis, bleeding and plaque. Experts suggest using raw honey mixed with water to use as mouthwash. Also rubbing honey directly on affected gums gives instant relief from pain and inflammation
Treats Eczema
Honey is an awesome material for our skin and it treats eczema very effectively. If raw honey mixed with olive oil can be applied all over the skin then it will cure eczema very easily. Regular use of honey prevents eczema from occurring or coming back again.
Healthy skin glow
Honey can be used to make the skin radiantly glow. It is a natural cleanser that helps to remove dirt and makes the skin smooth and soft. It can also be used for exfoliation of the skin by mixing it with oats or gram flour in order to remove dead cells.
Weight Management
Most interesting fact is honey can burn body fat even when you are sleeping. Consuming a spoon full of honey before sleeping or with warm water early in the morning will help reduce weight. It improves overall health so there are no worries for those who are concerned about their weight gains.