Lack of proper lighting in the park has raised security concerns as residents say taking up the issue of its maintenance with the authorities haven’t yielded any result.
Residents of various societies in Sector 22, Dwarka, have been demanding the maintenance of the neighbourhood park behind Dream Apartments as the issue has become a cause for concern.
They say that maintenance activities, such as pruning, cleaning, lighting, maintenance of swings and slides, in the park have not been up to mark.
Sukh Dukh Ke Sathi, a residents’ body in the sub city, has written to the authority concerned. Shashi Kapoor, president of SDKS, told City Spidey, “The corporation needs to pay attention to the park. There are no lights, which is one of the biggest problems in the area. We need this park to be well-lit and maintained.”
Residents say that poor lighting in the park has raised security concerns too. Pramila Malik, Joint secretary of Association of Neighbourhood Ladies Get Together (ANHLGT), a women’s association, and a resident of Jagran Apartments, says, “This park is not safe after sundown. Several incidents of theft happened in the area six months ago. We raised the issue in police-public meetings and also in the meetings with DDA and the MCD, but to no avail.”
“There are two open-air gyms in the area. If there was proper lighting and sanitation, we could have used the facility after sunset too,” adds Malik.
According to sources, the park has been handed over to the corporation from DDA. An official of the corporation told City Spidey that the issue would be looked into and the needful would be done.