Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal has directed the Delhi government to frame a new parking policy to rid the city roads of encroachment. The new rules will push the government's one-car policy.
If sources are to be believed, Delhi might just have new parking rules by month-end. Lieutenant Governor (L-G) Anil Baijal has directed the Delhi government to frame a new parking policy to rid the city roads of encroachment.
Delhi traffic police, the state government and other land-owning agencies, such as the DDA and Delhi Municipal Corporation, have already readied a proposal. The report has been sent to the LG’s office for approval.
According to sources, the new rules will push the government’s one-car policy in the city. The government will charge for a second parking in residential colonies. Parking cars on footpaths will invite a fine of up to Rs 1,000 and street parking will not be allowed anywhere.
In housing societies, every flat owner is allowed to park one car, while for the second one, the owner has to pay extra charges to the managing committee. Initially, RWAs were opposed to the idea of charging for a second spot in residential colonies.