Smart card makes travel cheaper up to 20% during off peak hours.
If the announcement of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) fare hikes have agitated commuters, the news about extra concessions on smart cards should pacify them. Yes you read right! Travel through smart cards has become even more cheaper and convenient.
The commuters shall now avail discount upto 20% if they travel during non peak hours. As defined by DMRC the non peak hours are from the start of the first early morning train to 8am, from 12 noon to 5pm and from 9pm to the time of the last train of the day. Essentially these are the times that do not accommodate the office going commuters.
Now the Delhi Metro smart card user can save more when he undertakes multiple routes in the network. Since many office goers and a large majority of students travel during non peak hours, this 20% concession is definitely translating to a benefit for commuters in general.
Earlier, a smart card carried a 10% discount on every journey undertaken. The added concession is also an incentive for people to use the DMRC more.
This is not the only silver lining of the fare hikes. The DMRC has also announced discounted fares in the range of 20% to 50% on Sundays and national holidays. According to DMRC, the overall concept of discounted fares has been introduced to control the rush during peak hours. Presently, 70% of metro commuters are smart card users.