As the solar policy, which allowed 30 per cent subsidy on solar panels and generation-base incentive of Rs 2 per unit, failed to take off, Centre plans to discontinue accepting applications from the residential sectors after June 30.
Rooftop solar power policy was introduced in Delhi in October 2016, with up to 30 per cent subsidy on solar panels and generation-base incentive of Rs 2 per unit. But it failed to take off in most residential sectors, prompting the ministry of renewable energy to discontinue accepting applications from the residential sectors after June 30.
However, Delhi government wants to wait a little more and has sent a recommendation to the ministry of renewable energy to extend the deadline to September 30.
AK Jha, a senior officer in the power department of Delhi government, confirmed, “We want to give one more chance to residential sectors to avail the benefits of the solar policy. We have made a request to the ministry in this regard, and are hopeful that the extension would granted.”
He continued, “We have also introduced RESCO (Renewable Energy Service Company) model, wherein the capital expenditure will not be required from societies. As power discoms have more access in residential sectors, we tied-up with them. The power companies are to install the solar panels at their own cost.”
Milan Vihar Apartments, a co-operative group housing society in East Delhi’s IP Extension, installed rooftop solar plant of 140 KW through RESCO model last month. The move is expected to yield cost savings to the tune of nearly Rs 67,000 per month.