Noida Authority and FONRWA, in a joint meeting held last week, decided to hand over the work of cleaning and maintenance of sector parks to five RWAs on a trial basis.
Noida Authority and Federation of Noida RWAs (FONRWA), in a joint meeting held last week, have picked five RWAs to oversee the work of cleaning and maintenance of their respective sector parks on a trial basis.
According to Noida Authority, the initiative — if successful — will be extended to all sectors RWAs.
“Right now, the maintenance work of parks is done by a contractor paid by Noida Authority,” said an official.
NP Singh, FONRWA president, said, “Noida Authority will provide 75 percent of the money, while RWAs will have to take care of the remaining 25 percent. It’s a good initiative —if it works out, other RWAs will be involved as well.”
“We regularly receive complaints how the contractor has not been doing the work of cleaning and maintenance — so we decided to try out something new,” an official in Noida Authority said.
Every sector has more than two parks, and some even have more than four parks.