Commuters, residents and the public, in general, are in favour of fixing a speed limit and prosecuting such vehicles that violate set norms.
Crossing the roads in order to reach metro stations has become a tough task for the commuters in Dwarka as the stretches at various sectors are proving to be death traps due to rash driving and otherwise. The absence of a speed limit is also another reason to worry about.
Vineeta Dagar, a resident of Sector 14 said, "There are no speed limits on the roads leading to metro stations. The roads here are wide and open with less traffic. Hence, people use this passage, driving and riding at high speed, making things dangerous for walkers. I mean, I once fell down on the road as a speeding motorbike crossed me near the station. It was a narrow escape! Since then I prefer rickshaw or auto to reach the station.”
Stations at Sectors 11,12,13 and 14 are affected due to high-speed vehicles passing through such stretches. Moreover, there are residential pockets near these stations which adds more to the problem.
MK Singh, a resident of Sector 12, said that most of the people of his sector walk to reach the metro station. Crossing the road from one end to another seems to be risky sometimes.
“I think there must be a speed limit near these stations. At least, there should be some speed breakers or rumble strips etc to control the speed of the vehicles.”
Another issue is alcohol and open drinking in cars, cabs which results in rash driving. This activity is common on stretches in Sector 13 to 14 and between 16 and 17.
"I have seen it several times people consuming alcohol sitting inside cars and cabs in the area around Sector 14 Metro station. Due to this, cases of rash driving have increased immensely," VS Bisht, a resident of Sector 16B, said.
Commuters, residents and the public, in general, are in favour of fixing a speed limit and prosecuting such vehicles that violate set norms.
Vice president of Dwarka Forum, Sunil Sareen told City Spidey, “Now the city has expanded and the number of vehicles has increased. This is the time to think about a safe and smooth traffic system. The authority responsible for it should make proper arrangements in order to avoid rash driving and as a result, mishaps.”
On the subject, a traffic official said the matter has been taken into concern and the department concerned will do the needful.