Shishir Miglani - the face behind bold social initiatives with a foresight

By : Akhilesh Pandey
Nov 27, 2019 Photo: CitySpidey

He has everything that many people still aspire for. A successful technology entrepreneur with an MBA degree under his belt. Why then is this person wants to impact society in an unorthodox manner(s)? And with two widely different ideas at that, with the power to transform the way society perceives about these subjects.

I am talking about Shishir Miglani, a youth from Vrindavan Apartments Sector 6 Dwarka, who believes in doing something different apart from his profession to empower the society. Be it running a sexual wellness helpline that touches the lives of thousands of people aged 14 to 60 years of ages or supporting school students’ ideas with real money, the activities reflect on his penchant for novelty. 

Recently, Shishir has come up with an initiative, ‘Kidzpreneur’, to shape and groom children's ideas and develop an entrepreneurship attitude in them with a hope to scale the sky in future. He is doing this as a social work treating it as his duty towards the Nation. 

Defining students as thought leaders, he said, “I wish to create a chain of such changemakers. So, have started this initiative.”

According to Shishir, Kidzpreneur is an initiative to engage students to think to create and empower next-generation thought leaders with practical skills to succeed. 

“Here, we take transforming leap of faith with students as young as 14 years old and invest our money in them. We support selective ideas with promise for business aptitude with our investment and offer these thought leaders practical exposure to financial freedom to execute under our ‘fail to learn’ program,” explains Shishir.

Sharing more about the initiative, he said, “Under this programme, we are catching them young and building an entrepreneurial mindset. We skill at the school level, test them via pitching session and invest with the teams to let them test their ideas in a real scenario. We are glad that community leaders such as CII, SmartUp by Ah Ventures and UP IT Policy have approved our efforts and are supporting us in in their respective ways.”

This is the first such initiative in a society like India where talking about sex is still a taboo in a social scenario. The society is still not ready to talk openly about dying relationships under the burden of societal norms viz. marriage. Shishir speaks about how to take those stale relationships to the next level of rejuvenation leading to a fulfilling adventurous life.

Despite all odds, Shishir Miglani has done it and opened a new level of discussion trail where dead relationships are revived, and human lives are made better with a sense of sexual well-being through this helpline. 

When I started the sexual wellness helpline a few years back, I used to draw questioning glances. I told them to wait for a few years, kids might confess that their sexual knowledge came from our initiative than a discussion with parents. In this society, where parents shy away from answering birds and bees, there is a need for a genuine and authentic source where such curiosities can be responded to without a judgmental stare. With the continuous support of people around me and sense of openness in the society, sex will no longer be a stigma but a part of our day-to-day talks.” said Shishir.

The idea for this social initiative came up during a friendly discussion focused on the importance of condoms in today’s healthy lifestyle. “A vacuum was felt in the Indian market, Even educated people shy away from the subject and prefer not to discuss things openly. People make their own perceptions and misconceptions and do not have any avenue where they can verify their notions. People do not use the subject as a tool to enhance their sexual health. A population that shies away from the choice of using a wide variety of condoms either is not aware or feels embarrassment in asking for it openly. The social stigma still persists when it comes to subjects like sexual health, sexuality and contraceptives viz. condom."

It was from this discussion a need was felt to promote this rubber sheath in the society and make various types of it available to the masses. What better option to suffice the purpose than a helpline in a world so interconnected where sex is the most sought-after subject. This gave birth to this initiative.” narrated Shishir.

He said that his wife had been a strength in his journey. “Most supportive in my dream and adventure was my wife Monika. Well, both had our doubts and debates but once we started, she was with me all along, suggesting, guiding and helping. And I can say this without her standing with me this journey would have been difficult and lonely.”