Gurugram traffic police carries out drive against tinted glass on vehicles

By : Akanksha Gupta
Dec 05, 2019 Photo: CitySpidey

Gurugram: The Gurugram Traffic Police on Wednesday carried out a special drive in the city against vehicles having tinted glass.

A total of 79 challans were issued and 4 vehicles were impounded during the drive.

Also Read: Gurugram Traffic Police swoop on errant motorists

The action came after several complaints were received by the traffic police. The drive was carried out throughout the day at various places stopping vehicles found in violation of the rules.

According to traffic police, the drive aims to instil a sense of discipline among the motorists and make them aware against the use of tinted glasses.

Earlier, the traffic police took strict action against wrong side driving and red light jumping. 313 challans were issued against wrong side driving, while 204 were issued for jumping red light.