Rising pollution levels in Delhi increasing cases of allergy, says expert

By : Nishi Bhat
Dec 20, 2019 Photo: CitySpidey

New Delhi: Due to the high levels of pollution in the National Capital, number of people suffering from allergies have also increased. Flu in winter, coughing when exposed to dust, breathlessness due to bruning of incense stick are some of the symptoms allergic patients experience.

 Experts have said that living in Delhi for more than 20-25 years can affect health in numerous ways. 

Dr. Rajkumar, acting Director of Patel Chest Institute, explains how people can protect themselves from allergy. 

What is allergy and how can people protect themselves? 

Cold and cough are the symtoms of allergy which people generally ignore. Cold and cough are usually considered as common seasonal diseases. However, if people continuously suffer from such diseases they should visit an expert. Even a general  physician sometime cannot predict it easily. Long lasting effects of pollution may narrow your blood vessels making it diffucult to breathe. People should avoid contact with pollution, avoid any spray which leads to cough and other things which can cause allergy. 

Is there any survey which says exposure to pollution for long can affect health?

Yes, we have conducted survey several times. Recently, a survey was conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) which says that an average youth living in a polluted atmosphere for more than 25 years could suffer from asthma if he/she does not follow proper instructions. We suggest people to take care of their lungs including Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). 

What test one should opt for protection from allergy?

We generally do prick test to for allergy. More than 200 allergic agents are tested in this test which affect a large number of population. It can be done by a simple blood test and if report is positive then a patient is given a chart of do's and dont's so that he/she can protect himself/herself.