Three MCDs, PWD clear encroachments on govt land in Delhi

By : CitySpidey
Jul 11, 2020 Photo: CitySpidey

New Delhi: Anurag Jain, chairman of the Special Task Force (STF), on Friday held a meeting to highlight the action taken to remove encroachment in the city. He is vice-chairman of the Delhi Development Authority (DDA). 

During the meeting, it was shared that three MCDs and PWD had cleared the encroachment on government land. Encroachments were cleared from Khureji Chowk to Chitra Vihar and on roads at Subash Nagar, Sarai Julliana, Pant Nagar, Jangpura, Lajpat Nagar etc.

“The PWD has demolished the encroachment on ring road at Sarai Kale Khan and constructed the boundary wall to restrict further encroachment,” said a statement issued by the DDA.

An official informed that encroachments were removed from 11,500 km length of roads, streets and footpaths. Moreover, 45,000 vehicles and 1,50,000 items have been seized and 7 lakh challans have been issued.

The citizens can lodge their complaints with the STF Web-Portal (, Mobile App (Smart City-311), or through email.