How to be prepared against common summer ailments

By : Anjali Singh
Mar 15, 2021 Photo: CitySpidey

New Delhi: We all are aware that with the change in season, there are chances of people getting sick with diseases. As we are still facing the coronavirus pandemic, staying and working at home can be advantageous in summers as it can protect us from skin rashes, sunburns, etc. But not everyone is on the same boat. Some need to go outside to work in fields, offices, and many other places. Taking precautions become necessary.

Dr Charu Goel Sachdeva, internal medicine [HOD] from Manipal Hospital, shared  some precautions to avoid summer ailments.

Do your underarms sweat reflects on your t-shirts and makes you embarrassed? Many people have problems with excessive sweat in the underarms, but one can take precautions and avoid such problems.

Dr  Sachdeva says after taking shower, do not dress up immediately, take time, and don’t immediately use any cosmetics like power, perfumes etc. Use it after the body gets completely dried up. “Don’t wear tight clothes. Try to wear loose-fitting clothes. Eat foods that reduce sweats. Most importantly, stay hydrated.” she says.

While you try to minimise your clothes during summer, sunburns get maximised. Excessive exposure to the sun is not healthy for human beings, due to the  penetration of ultraviolet rays. On hot summer days, if your skin is  exposed to the sun for a very long time then your skin will easily  turn red which will lead to development of dryness, itchiness, and cracks. For this, Dr Sachdeva says the best way is to avoid sunburns is to use sunscreen lotion and keeping the moisture of the skin intact.

Excessive sweat is the core problem for summer ailments. Skin rashes are one of them, which can commonly be seen in children and adults. Dr  Sachdeva says, “It is very important to keep yourself clean. It means wearing the same sweat laden clothes for a prolonged time can lead to constant rubbing and skin rashes.” She later advised to take shower with cold water or using fabric bags with stuffed ice. These things will give you an instant remedy.

Wearing a mask for a longer time can also cause rashes in your face skin. Mask plays a very important role in containing the spread of coronavirus. But it can be hard on your skin during summers. It can cause acne, peeling skin, rashes and itchiness. Dr Sachdeva says, common steps can be taken like cleansing and moisturising your skin daily; trying to skip makeup when you wear a mask and avoiding new skincare products if you feel irritation.

Many of us think that people cannot catch cold in summers and it is a winter thing. Dr Sachdeva says it is a misconception and one can easily get cold in summers as well. “Some common symptoms can be running nose, coughing, sore throat and low energy. Take cough medicine and cough drops and steamy showers for congestion relief,” she says.