April Fool's Day: Bird does prank with cat, video goes viral

By : Samaksh Namdev
Apr 02, 2021 Photo: Twitter

New Delhi: We all do pranks and make jokes on April 1 but have you ever seen any bird doing pranks with the cat? If no, then watch this viral video on Twitter which was shared by Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Susanta Nanda on Thursday.

On April 1, IFS officer Susanta Nanda shared a video on Twitter with a caption, 'April Fool'.



In the viral video, the cat was playing with a dead bird but there is a twist. The bird was not dead and when the cat tried to catch the bird, it suddenly got up and flew. The bird made a fool of the cat.

This hilarious turn of the bird made the cat and audience surprised and netizens commented on the hilarious video. If we said that this was the best April fool video, then there are reasons for it.

The 7-second video gained 18.4k views and 2.5k likes. One user tweeted, “That can't be real. Even humans are not so smart, how can a sparrow be so clever.”

See all the hilarious comments on the viral video.






Most of the Twitter users also posted that, “Don’t lie and say April fool. Plant a tree and say April cool.” Radiant International School in Patna shared a post with caption, “Let's welcome April not just with laughter and pranks, but by welcoming a tree which will bloom, spread positivity and cheer all around. Lets us take this initiative to change April Fool's Day into April Cool Day & help the Earth to cool, heal and nurture itself!.”





Juhi Chawla also shared a post on Twitter, she said, “Like me, if you live in a city & have nowhere to plant a tree; @ishafoundation's  initiative #CauveryCalling is always there Only Rs. 42 per sapling. Let's have a cool April.”