Nirvana Country sets up waste-processing and recycling plant

Anil Manchanda
Aug 17, 2016 Photo: Anil Manchanda

The Nirvana Country RWA in Sector 50, Gurgaon, has set up its very own waste-processing and recycling plant. The zero-smell equipment processes three tonnes of kitchen waste every day, while producing 900 kg of compost every 10 to 12 days.

Three colour-coded dustbins have been provided to the 1,200 households to facilitate segregation of waste by residents. The RWA said that it had taken the initiative, as the city lacked a proper waste-disposal mechanism. 

"To make it easier, we have distributed waste-segregation bins, along with some basic handbooks for domestic helps," said Sanu Kapila, president of the RWA.

The compost produced will be used in lawns and parks. Some of it will be available for residents to buy at a nominal cost.

The Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon (MCG) had provided 250 sq yard of land and technical support to set up the waste-management plant. 

"This is an outstanding initiative and practical enough for other societies to follow," said MCG Commissioner TL Satya Prakash. "We will provide all the assistance required to set up waste-treatment plants such as this. We hope other societies follow suit."