REPLUG: 5 small changes to make your home eco-friendly

By : CitySpidey
Jun 05, 2021

In a world with fast rising pollution, ozone depletion, worsening air quality, respiratory diseases and environmental issues, it has become imperative to not only take care of our own health but also be environmentally conscious and make sincere efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, in whichever way possible.

Here are 5 small changes that you can adapt to make your home more eco-friendly:

Switch to solar energy

Instead of using gas, oil or electricity, switch to a solar thermal panel. The panel utilises the heat from the sun to boil water, providing energy without any combustion, which in turn makes it a much cleaner alternative. 

Use eco-friendly products 

Use environment-friendly products to clean your house. You can replace your shampoo, toothbrush, bathing and washing soap, and floor cleaners with no-synthetic ingredients. Detergents, preservatives, and foaming agents contain chemicals which harm the ecosystem. You can switch to eco-friendly toilet paper as well. 

Swap light bulbs with LED bulbs

This may sound insufficient but using the right energy-efficient light bulbs makes a huge difference. LED bulbs have a longer life, eco-friendly and even help you save money in the longer run.

Replace paper with rags

Use more rags and less paper towels in your home, especially in your kitchen. Ideally, it should be no paper towels but a move like that takes a lot of effort and commitment. Cut up old clothes or shirts to make rags and use them in batches so that you never run out of a clean rag. 

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The age-old mantra still stands true and will always do. Reduce your consumption. Don't buy another notebook unless you really need it. Don't buy a loaf of bread only to throw it later because you forgot about it. When you consume less, at least not consume more than needed, you reduce the CO2 emissions produced by waste. When you reuse and recycle, you reduce the carbon footprint and save money.