Dwarka residents demand pruning of overgrown trees

By : Akhilesh Pandey
Aug 29, 2016 Photo: Longislandtreeservice.net

For a while now, residents of Dwarka have been demanding the pruning of overgrown trees that cause inconvenience in navigating city roads. They say it is tough to spot traffic signals and approaching vehicles at several locations across the sub-city. Some overgrown trees on dividers create blind spots while taking a turn, making the areas accident prone.

Dwarka Forum and several Dwarka RWAs have placed the issue before DDA. "DDA should take up the work rightaway," said TC Batra, secretary of Dream Apartments. "It is a serious threat."

At quite a few locations along the Master Plan roads 201 and 202, low-hanging branches are a serious threat to bikers.

"At many places along Master Plan Road 205, there are trees that are almost about to fall on the main road," said Sunil Sareen, a resident of Bharat Vandana Apartments and joint secretary of Dwarka Forum. "DDA should act on the problem before a mishap occurs. Dwarka Forum had carried out a joint survey for the pruning of trees with DDA and Traffic Police, but that went in vain as nothing was done about it."

City Spidey discussed the issue with the horticulture department. "We have started pruning the trees on the dividers," they said. "Trees that demand a lot of pruning fall under the jurisdiction of the Forest Department, and we have conveyed the information to the concerned officials."