Dwarka: Naked wire puts visitors at risk at Sector 14 park

By : Community Reporter
Aug 06, 2021 Photo: CitySpidey

Dwarka: There is a naked wire lying on the ground and hidden in bushes at Sector 14 neighborhood park in Dwarka, which is under South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC).

As it can be seen in the photograph, the wires are connected to an electric panel erected in the park. One of the wires lying on the ground doesn’t have the insulator cover over it.

Near the panel, these wires are hidden in such a manner that they are hard to notice. During the rains, there is a possibility that current can flow on the ground putting anyone around it in danger.

Credit: CitySpidey

CitySpidey has clicked the photograph to grab the attention of the authority and community to avoid any such incident.

Read | Open wires invite danger to park visitors in Dwarka

In the city, such exposed wires can be seen in the neighborhood parks and authorities need to act soon on this issue while the community needs to be aware. This particular park in the photograph is under the jurisdiction of SDMC.