Get rolling with face rollers

From : Lifestyle Desk
Aug 07, 2021

With increasing pollution and dust topped with sweating in the summer and humidity in the monsoon, skin has to suffer the wrath of changing seasons. One of the most exposed parts of the body to the above-mentioned issues is the face.

Due to this, a facial skin care regimen is a must. Most of you still stick to homemade remedies to apply to the face but what is trending nowadays are the face rollers.

Face rollers are being used as the latest beauty weapon to not only clean the skin deeply till the pores but to get a refreshed facial massage at the end of the day, all by yourself!

So if you also want a good face massage, here are different type of face rollers you can incorporate in your skincare regime:

Jade roller

Credit: CitySpidey

The jade roller gives a cooling effect to the face. This helps in reducing inflammation, irritation, wrinkles, and blemishes that start to appear on the skin. This roller creates a relaxing effect and promotes proper blood circulation and can help you to get rid of eye bags and dark circles.

Rose Quartz roller

Credit: CitySpidey

Considering a Rose Quartz roller for self-care is a good option as it helps the skin cells to repair, heal, and increase themselves. If your skin cells get good care, it helps in reduction of fine lines on your face. If we talk about the medicinal effect of this roller, it is beneficial in enhancing the circulatory system by managing the oxygen levels and by reducing skin tension.

Amethyst roller

Credit: CitySpidey

For all people who have acne-prone skin, the amethyst roller is the perfect choice for you. It increases the microcirculation in acne skins. The crystal of this roller contains healing energy which detoxifies, de-stresses, and balances the ions present on the skin and calms the mind and body to ultimately refresh the face.

Le Marbelle Black Obsidian Gua Sha face massager

Credit: Pinterest

Black Obsidian Gua Sha face massager is a skin-friendly stone preferable for facial massages. They create an anti-aging effect by promoting skin elasticity and help in keeping the skin more natural and youthful, reducing hypertension, encouraging relaxation, and toning of the skin.

Le Marbelle White Opalite roller - Ivory Opalescence face massager

Credit: Pinterest

White Opalite roller is dual-headed. The larger roller is beneficial for face portions like the chin, cheeks, forehead, and neck and the small roller is for nose, lips, and eye. It helps in the reduction of puffiness created by eye bags and dark circles. Use this roller after long hours of working in front of screens and driving.

Tips to follow

So to have a perfect beauty regime, buy skin rollers to see the change.