5 tips to keep dengue and chikungunya at bay

By : Puja Raina Mahaldar
Sep 03, 2016 Photo: Selectscience.net

It's that time of the year. Monsoons. Heavy rains, traffic jams and puddles. Worst of all? The not-so-dynamic duo of monsoon every year — dengue and chikungunya.

Both viral fevers are transmitted by the Aedes aegypty mosquitoes and display more or less the same symptoms. While chikungunya is mostly non-fatal and characterised by swelling and joint pain, muscle pain, headaches and rashes, dengue can be fatal and has symptoms such as high fever, headache, muscle pain, rash, severe eye pain, mild bleeding from the nose or gums and sometimes even gastritis.

Here are five quick points to keep the two diseases at bay: