HDL cholesterol: How to increase your 'good' cholesterol

By : Health Reporter
Sep 29, 2021

It is essential to maintain your cholesterol levels for a healthy and safe heart. For HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol, higher levels are better and healthy.

What’s good cholesterol?

HDL cholesterol is well-maintained cholesterol in your body. High-thickness lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is known as the good cholesterol since it helps eliminate different types of cholesterol from your circulation system. More significant levels of HDL cholesterol are related to a lower hazard of heart illness.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your cells as a whole and has a few valuable capacities, including assisting with building your body's cells. It's brought through your circulation system connected to proteins. These proteins are called lipoproteins.

What are optimal levels of HDL cholesterol?

Cholesterol levels are measured in milligrams (mg) cholesterol per deciliter (dl) blood or millimoles (mmol) per little. Higher the numbers better the health.

Numbers at risk for both men and women vary.

Men -  Less than 40 mg/dL (1.0 mmol/L) is risky
          60 mg/dL (1.6 mmol/L) or above is safe

Women -  Less than 50 mg/dL (1.3 mmol/L) is risky
                60 mg/dL (1.6 mmol/L) or above is safe

Somewhat, individuals who usually have more elevated HDL cholesterol levels are at lower hazard of respiratory failure and stroke. It's less evident whether that equivalent advantage remains constant for individuals who increment their HDL levels with drugs.

A slight change in your daily routine builds HDL, like moving more, stopping smoking or working on your eating routine, which has been displayed to bring down the danger of cardiovascular failures; however, prescriptions that explicitly increment HDL levels have neglected to decrease the pace of coronary episodes.

Strangely, individuals who typically have incredibly high HDL levels — over 100 mg/dL (2.5mmol/L) — give off an impression of being at a greater danger of coronary illness. Hereditary variables might bring this about.

Improve your lifestyle for HDL cholesterol

If you have lower HDL levels, then minor improvements and changes in your lifestyle can affect higher numbers in no amount of time.

Exercise: Regular exercise or any kind of workout can help in taking care of your HDL. A 50-60 minute daily routine can have good results.

Avoid Tobacco: Any kind of consuming tobacco and smoking can lower your HDL have hazardous effects on your health

Healthy eating habits: Try to dodge trans fats to increase LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol levels in terms of food. Foods prepared with shortenings, such as cakes and cookies, often contain trans fats, as do most fried foods and some margarine. Restrict saturated fat, located in meats and full-fat dairy products, as well.