Dengue spike in Delhi

By : Health Reporter
Oct 26, 2021

Dengue is a seasonal disease that appears in India from July to October. This year Delhi has encountered a sharp increase of 1,000 dengue cases and 280 cases alone in the last week.

The sudden spell in October may be a possible reason for the spike in Dengue cases in the capital. Water Stagnation can be an alarming sign for the sudden increase in the water-related, mosquito-borne disease 'dengue'. As a result, doctors suggest taking all the precautions to stay safe from certain factors.

What is dengue?
Dengue is commonly defined as break-bone fever. It is caused by a dengue virus when a mosquito known as Aedes carrying a virus bites the healthy person. Here are the symptoms one can reflect if suffering from the dengue virus.


If you come across any of the symptoms kindly contact the doctor soon and fulfil all the requirements like a blood test to identify the problem.

Dengue occurs because of four different viruses namely DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. Dengue is transmitted when a mosquito bites an infected person, a virus enters the body of the mosquito and that mosquito can spread the disease by biting healthy people.

By following the below-mentioned steps, you can stay safe from dengue:

Diet plan for a dengue patient
Dr Vaishali Verma, consultant dietitian and diabetes educator from Manipal hospital suggested the following points to add to the diet of the dengue patient: