Post Diwali health complications and how to avoid them

By : Health Reporter
Nov 05, 2021

Festivals are celebrated to bring happiness and prosperity to one's life but it may turn into something opposite if celebrations are not mindful. Every year, we come across negative health news post Diwali or during festive season and this year as well, people are facing types of issues mostly related to respiratory and cardiac health. 

Dr. Pradeish Mohan, MBBS, while talking to CitySpidey, said “Health issues post Diwali could either result from a flare up of underlying chronic conditions or an acute one. People with pre existing cardiac or pulmonary conditions are the most vulnerable in this festive season."

Nowadays, doctors are coming across the majority of asthemetic and cardiac patients who experience shock, palpitation, sudden onset of angina (chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart) and troubled breathing. Dr. Pradeish mentioned, “All the conditions are arising mainly due to the noise and air pollution created as an outcome of bursting crackers.” He added, “I’m not against any one’s interest in celebration but then we do have the responsibility of the well being of people around us. Too much of anything is good for nothing and it’s high time we practice moderation.” 

Dr. Pradeish also shared, “We, at hospitals receive a lot of casualties as a result of fire, body allergies, burn injuries and road traffic accidents occur due poor visibility and improper care during bursting crackers.” During festivals some people also come across gastrointestinal tract issues due to a lot of unhealthy, deep fried and over consumption.  

Here is some of the advice suggested by Dr. Pradeish one should follow: 

One can follow these rules from next time to make their celebrations safe.