Boost your Vitamin D intake during winters with these food items

From : Lifestyle Desk
Dec 05, 2021

As the winters are here, it is time for the days to become shorter and bid adieu to the sun a bit earlier every day. Along with the slow decline of sunshine, the threat of vitamin D deficiency follows suit. Vitamin D is essential for promoting bone and immune system health. It is the secret to fighting infection and staying healthy throughout the winter.

As a fact, Vitamin D is also necessary to maintain a healthy mind. Its deficiency may lead to anxiety issues.

During the summers, vitamin D is absorbed by the body through sun exposure. Ironically, when we need vitamin D the most, we are typically met with days spent hunkered indoors, under layers of winter clothes. To account for the lack of sunshine during colder months, vitamin D intake can be stabilized by eating oily fish, fortified milk, and antioxidant-rich proteins.

Here, find out what foods to add to your diet to boost your immune system and keep yourself happy and healthy through the winter.

1. Salmon

Salmon protein is not only rich in vitamin D but is also one of the best sources of omega fatty acids and vitamin B-12. Salmon reduces inflammation, promotes heart health, and helps to maintain skin elasticity.

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2. Tofu

Derived from soybeans, tofu is chock-full of vitamins and plant-based proteins. Aside from vitamin D, tofu is rich in iron, calcium, and magnesium.

3. Orange Juice

We give you another reason to drink orange juice - yes, orange juice has a good amount of vitamin D and vitamin C. It is also one of the best fruit juices, which is brimming with various health-benefiting properties. Including a glass of fresh orange juice in breakfast is the best way to kick-start your morning. However, always opt for fresh orange juice and avoid buying store-bought orange juices.

4. Egg yolk

Yet another rich source of vitamin D. The yolk may come with extra calories and fat but it also contains all the essential nutrients, including protein and good carbs. Make sure you do not eat more than one egg's yolk in a day. Prepare an omelette and add some veggies to it to boost the flavour and nutritional value.

5. Yoghurt

Rich in proteins, yoghurts are also fortified with vitamin D and contain around 5 IU per 8-ounce serving. However, make sure you read the label before you buy yoghurt as most of these fortified versions of yoghurt are flavoured, meaning their sugar content is very high. Therefore, it is better to avoid store-bought yoghurt packets and prepare yoghurt at home.

6. Swiss cheese

Swiss cheese is another way to pick up your vitamin D, along with calcium and vitamin K, which work together to keep your bones strong. Swiss cheese is easy to shred and sprinkle over a salad, throw into veggies, or bake onto bread. Try to buy organic, raw cheeses when possible.

The best way to get your daily dose of vitamin D is by spending time out in the sun. However, spending time under the sun may or may not be sufficient to increase the vitamin D content. Eating these vitamin D rich foods is a great way to increase this nutrient in the body.