The importance of consuming vitamin C in winters

By : Health Reporter
Dec 09, 2021

Winters have already knocked on our doors and we have started enjoying it with warm cups of tea and woolen clothes, but two things that scuttle all our winter enjoyment are cold and cough. The arrival of frequent bouts of cold and cough can signal a weak immunity. Weary of such experiences, people tend to avoid citrus fruits that contain Vitamin C. The general impression is that citrus fruits could increase the intensity of throat issues, colds, and coughs but the reality is the opposite. On the contrary, several scientific studies have shown that Vitamin C is beneficial to consume in cold. Experts suggest that Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that can be consumed during the daytime. It is an antioxidant also known as ascorbic acid with tons of health benefits.

Benefits of consuming Vitamin C during winters are:-

It boosts collagen

Vitamin C contains collagen-boosting properties. Collagen helps in the growth and preparation of tissues. Cartilage, ligaments, blood vessels, and tendon collagen are essential to building skin tendon collagen.

Cures skin problem

It is normal to have dry skin during winters but vitamin C is known to help in curing this problem too. It promotes healthy aging and keeps your skin moisturised naturally.

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Prevent cold

One of the most common problems we come across during winters is having a cold. Consuming vitamin C can help prevent a cold by boosting your immunity system. It can also avoid serious complications like pneumonia and lung infections.

Reduces cholesterol

Vitamin C is very important when it comes to controlling cholesterol levels in the body. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in reducing cholesterol levels. It boosts the conversion of cholesterol into bile salts, which the body ignores. This helps reduce cardiac disease.

Improves blood flow

By improving the dilation of blood vessels, Vitamin C also helps in better blood flow. It can be helpful for people with heart diseases.

Now that we know why is it important to consume Vitamin C, let us move on to how we can ensure our Vitamin C intake.


As per USDA data, 100mg kiwi provides 74.7 grams of Vitamin C, so you can add it to your food palatte daily.


Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, fibre, nutrients, vitamins and have zero calories or fat and are rich in Vitamin C


Pomegranate is another winter fruit to keep you away from viruses and boost your overall health


Grapes are the best way to flush out toxins from the body and keep your immune system boosted


Orange is a storehouse of vitamin C, rich in antioxidants and boost immunity. This juicy fruit is another good choice for your fruit salad.

Indian Gooseberry 

One of the best sources of Vitamin C, Indian Gooseberry or Amla as we call it, holds the reputation of being highly nutritious and good for your skin and hair.