City Spidey Impact: Leakage in front of Dream Apts fixed

City Spidey
Sep 28, 2016 Photo: Akash Mishra

City Spidey scores again! Our report on a damaged water pipeline near the service lane in front of Dream Apartments, Sector 22, Dwarka, has prompted the authorities to act.

The Delhi Jal Board had repaired the water pipeline a couple of months ago, but the work was not done properly, and water started leaking again, resulting in potholes and constant waterlogging. The leakage had become so bad that it was getting difficult for the residents to use the road. 

City Spidey had carried a report of the residents' plight on September 3.

Today, on September 28, we received a letter (via e-mail) from Dream Apartments, thanking us for the coverage and telling us that the authorities had finally fixed the problem on September 25. The letter also made special mention of Akhilesh Pandey, our correspondent who had filed the report. 

We at City Spidey are delighted that we could be of help! Keep the letters pouring in! 



                                 A printout of the e-mail sent by TC Batra, secretary of Dream Apartments