Keep your kidneys happy with these lifestyle choices

By : Health Reporter
Dec 19, 2021

According to a health report, 175,000 patients were on chronic dialysis in India in the year 2018 which shows an increasing number of patients with Kidney disease. Many conditions adversely affect the functioning of the kidney and lead to health problems.

A fist-sized organ Kidney, located under the rib cage on both sides divided by the spinal cord performs many essential tasks to keep the body healthy. These include removing toxins from the body, activating vitamin D, controlling and balancing blood pressure, water and maintaining electrolytes.

Here is a little guide to show how you can follow to keep your kidneys healthy-

Stay Hydrated: regular intake of water works like magic for your health. Water helps eliminate toxins and clears sodium from the body, this helps the body to stay from any type of chronic disease. Accurate intake of water depends on every individual and factors such as lifestyle, exercise routine, consumption, climate, breastfeeding, pregnancy. Experts recommend drinking ample water to everyone in order to prevent kidney-related complications.

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Keep yourself fit: it is not necessary to do numerous exercises or run a marathon to stay fit. A simple exercise like walking, dancing, running or cycling can result in the healthy maintenance of your overall health. Not only this, but regular exercise also helps to maintain blood pressure levels and promotes heart health which ensures the wellbeing of the kidneys.

Control blood sugar level: people suffering from diabetes or a condition that results in increased blood sugar levels such as PCOS can breed kidney damage. When the body is not able to use glucose present in the blood properly, it forces the kidneys to work harder. If this is not cured, it can result in kidney failures. Moreover, controlling blood sugar levels can help to prevent further damage and control the situation.

Maintain a healthy weight: Processed food gradually damages the kidney and can result in various diseases. Choose food with low sodium levels, made up of natural ingredients such as cauliflower, blueberries, fish, wholegrain and many more. Individuals with obesity are at risk of developing kidney disease due to health conditions that occur because of obesity-related conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Avoid smoking: smoking damages the blood vessels because of which the speed of blood flow to the kidney and other parts of the body becomes slower. If this condition is prolonged, it can cause various kidney problems.

Adopting healthy habits is always in our hands. With patience and a healthy lifestyle, all conditions can be controlled. Try the above mentioned healthy habits and let us know about your experience in the comments section.