Using physical exercise to cope with anxiety

By : Health Reporter
Jan 07, 2022

Anxiety has emerged as a common problem especially in the last two years. The loss and uncertainty that has come with the Pandemic have taken a toll on many people’s mental health. Experts reveal that undiagnosed anxiety can be dangerous as it can lead to chronic conditions like depression and cardiovascular problems.

Studies show that people with anxiety are more likely to choose a  sedentary lifestyle and do less physical activity whereas physical activity especially aerobic activities are one of the beneficial non-medical methods to prevent anxiety.

A physical workout may be the last thing that comes to the mind of someone with anxiety, but it can truly make a big difference.

Here are a few reasons why physical exercise helps prevent anxiety-

Distracts your mind: when we exercise our bodies, our attention goes to our actions and body movement. This way the cycle of negative thoughts which feed anxiety and depression breaks down. Thus leaving us fresh and relaxed.

Releases feel-good hormone: while exercising, the body releases natural chemicals like endogenous cannabinoids which are responsible for the sensation of wellbeing.

Increases social interaction: when we go outside for exercise or a walk, it provides an opportunity to meet friends and neighbours. Greeting them or just exchanging pleasant smiles can help lift your mood making you feel better.

Promotes healthy lifestyle: when you make exercising your daily routine. It not only prevents anxiety but will also help to reduce the risk of dangerous diseases like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis etc.

Better sleep routine: Anxiety often disturbs sleep which makes the situation worse. Exercising helps burn calories and regulate your sleeping pattern. If you prefer a  night workout, try a gentle exercise like yoga before going to the bed.

High self-esteem: Regular exercise can have a positive impact on the body and the mind. Setting and achieving small goals associated with personal care and health provides you with a sense of achievement and helps gain self-confidence.

Experts suggest regular exercise for 30 to 45 minutes a day can do wonders and help you feel better. Even a beginning of 15-20 basic workouts can have a positive impact on the mind and minimize anxiety.