Do's and Don't of medical devices

By : Health Reporter
Jan 25, 2022

Healthcare is one sector that is constantly brimmed with development and innovations. New medical devices and equipment are constantly being developed and these medical devices need to provide accuracy in their measurements. The health and safety of the patients depend on how accurate results these devices provide. Thus it is a top priority of all medical device manufacturers to ensure the accuracy of the devices and safeguard the interest of its users. Read on more to know why accuracy is important in medical devices?

Rakesh Singh, a Physician from Manipal hospital, says, "Accuracy in medical devices has a direct impact on the health of the patients. The performance and efficiency of medical devices are judged on the accuracy and precision of the measurement they generate. There could be many reasons that the accuracy of a device can be compromised, it could be due to environmental changes, a lower quality of the product, manufacturing defect, or simply due to wearing and tearing of the devices."

He further says, "Medical devices and equipment do go through wear and tear and thus require a constant check on their performance. To safeguard the interest of the users and to ensure that public health and safety isn't compromised, the medical device industry is regulated by strict standards."

According to him, "Accuracy refers to how a measurement is close to the right or required absolute value. While precision is how a measurement matches the same value that is being estimated. E.g. a thermometer if we test it 10 times on the same subject it's should show approximately the same temperature (a slight difference in the measurements is acceptable). Accuracy and precession are independent. A device can be highly precise but inaccurate or vice versa."


-To check the accuracy of any medical devices, consider reading reviews from different customers and check if it is clinically approved.


- For pluse oximeter, use the best sites for screening, which is around the right hand and either foot.

-Also, if you need an accurate reading, you should compare your blood pressure monitor with others, such as those in your doctor's office and medical clinic.

-Try new digital thermometers as they are known for recording highly accurate measurements

-Clean and maintain the thermometer according to the procedures recommended by the user instructions.

-Do your research before buying any medical device. Thoroughly research on the internet and consult a medical authority before choosing any device.

-If there is a patient at home, consult the doctor properly on how to take care of them. Ask about the devices to be used and what the ideal readings should be. Keep monitoring. Even, ask a doctor about the normal readings and danger signs to look out for.

-Take care of devices. Regular checks should be done in case the batteries need changing. Also, the device should be cleaned from time to time, as per the instructions. The device should be kept away from pets and small children.

-According to experts, it is advised to wait for at least two hours after meals to test glucose levels to get the best reading.

- Sit in a chair, feet flat on the ground, legs uncrossed, with your back supported and without talking, for at least five minutes before you get your blood pressure measured.

- When using a nebulizer, breathe through your mouth if you have bronchitis

-When using a nebulizer for sinusitis and ear infections, breathe in and hold it


- Don't use any device without consulting a doctor.

- In pluse oximeter, Don't perform the screen in bright or infrared light. It is okay to cover the sensor with a blanket to block the light in order to ensure accuracy.

-Don't put clinical/glass thermometer inside the mouth of an infant or those below 5 years.

-Don't touch the bulb of the thermometer while measuring as it will give incorrect reading.

-Don't shake the thermometer too hard as you may drop it. (Preferably Digital thermometer should be used.)

-To ensure that your readings are accurate and you experience less pain, it is important to use the right lancets and testing strips for your glucometer. Using expired or poorly stored test strips can result in inaccurate readings. Also, lancets can get dull and hurt if you reuse them.

-Don't Exercise, consume caffeine or smoke within 30 minutes of your test.

-Don't Let your arm dangle or rest in your lap during the reading. It should be supported on a surface such as a desk.

-Don't forget to clean the nebulizer carefully after each session.

-Don't nebulize while you're sleeping.


Accuracy is a fundamental aspect of medical devices, and investing in good quality devices that have Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and quality check for accurate and precise measurements during emergencies.

Stay fit and follow all the do's and don'ts!