Try these yoga poses to relieve Migraine pain

From : Lifestyle Desk
Jan 28, 2022

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), more than 213 million people in India suffered from migraine in 2019 with a higher percentage of female sufferers.

Migraine is a neurological, self-diagnosed disorder that causes headaches ranging from mild to intense. This disorder generally affects one side of the head and can last up to 2 days. A person suffering from Migraine can feel sensitive to bright light and heavy noises. Some of the common symptoms of migraine are nausea and vomiting.

While there are many other options to support the healing of Migraine, Yoga is one of the natural methods to fight migraine without any side effects. Here are the best five yoga asanas which can help reduce migraine pain-


This pose helps to improve migraine or reduces the risk of migraine by activating the back muscles, improving core strength and blood circulation. This asana is also referred to as cat stretch.

Also read | Manage your thyroid with these yoga poses

You have to first come down onto your fours with your arms perpendicular to the floor, and hands under the shoulders with palms to the ground. Now bring your knees hip-width apart. Then tilt your head back and inhale. The next step is to raise your tailbone and compress your hips. Carry this pose for a minute and take a deep breath. Now exhale, and arch your back up while looking down. Hold this pose and come back to the first position.


This pose is also recognised as a child pose or the resting pose one can do to relax their body after a workout or feeling overwhelmed with stress. This helps relax the upper body by opening up the shoulders, back and spine.

One can feel a throbbing feeling in their head while doing this pose. You have to sit on the floor by folding your legs backwards and keeping your hands on your thighs. Then bend your back and rest your forehead on the floor by moving your arms straight in front, moving ahead of your head or backwards.

Hasta padmasana: 

This asana helps to relieve stress by improving the blood supply all over the body having a positive impact on the nervous system.

First of all, you have to stand straight with a normal gap in between your feet. Now take a long breath extend your arms over the head and bend forward down towards the feet as you breathe out. Try to maintain this pose as long as you can for a longer time according to your strength, a minimum of 30 seconds and continue to inhale and exhale. Now keeping your legs and spine straight rest your hands on the floor beside your feet. Slowly raise your tailbone and hip higher and move your head towards your feet. Now stretch your arms forward and up and come back to the standing position. Breathe out, bring the arms to the sides and relax.

Setu bandana:

Also called bridge pose, this asana helps to release tension in the upper body. This pose will help to relax your neck, head and shoulder by increasing the blood supply to the brain.

To perform this asana, one has to lie down on their back by keeping a distance between your feet. Now bring your knees up and keep your palms face down on both sides of your body. Then gradually lift your back and prepare such a pose where your chest touches your chin. Keep your thighs parallel to each other to maintain your pose. Keep breathing mindfully and repeat twice.

Supta Baddha Konasana:

This pose, also known as reclined cobbler's pose, helps to calm down and improves hip mobility.

One has to keep their back erect straight on the floor and bring their legs towards the pelvis apart from each other. Then touch the soul of your feet by forming a diamond shape. Then try to bring your feet closer to the groin area. Try to remain in the same pose as much you want to according to your strength and count t0 10. Once you want to come out of the pose remember to stretch your legs slowly and then stand.

If you have any injury on the back or neck, kindly consult your doctor before trying these asanas and do not levy extra pressure.