Chill your pre-workouts with these smoothies

From : Lifestyle Desk
Mar 04, 2022

With summer around the corner, heatwaves may not be far behind. We are looking at cool options in food and drinks to rejuvenate ourselves. It is also the time to hit the gym and get back our summer-ready body and lose all the fat we have stored in our bodies during the winter months.

Let's welcome this season with lots of good health and freshness. Many of us are bored with our regular protein shakes and basic meals. Here are some exciting and healthy smoothies that you can try pre-workout-

Creamy Banana Strawberry Split Smoothie

Credits: Baking Mischief

This smoothie, made with almond milk, protein powder, flax, chia seeds, banana, and strawberry, is sure to put a spring in your step. A dash of vanilla, honey, and cinnamon adds a balanced flavour boost. The cinnamon in this is overpowering, but there's just enough in this smoothie to add a little bit of interest. This not only tastes good, but it's also a nutritional powerhouse.

Also read | Beat the heat with these healthy foods

Matcha Coconut Smoothie

Credits: The WorkTop

This isn't your typical green smoothie. The smoothie gets a bright colour from kale and antioxidant-rich matcha green tea powder, sweetness from the mango, banana, and coconut, and protein from an unexpected source.

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Credits: Wellplated

Peanut butter and banana are a classic combination for a reason, and they make an excellent smoothie. This famous workout smoothie couldn't be easier to make – or drink – with just a few ingredients (peanut butter, banana, milk, and honey). This is better than any fruit smoothie one can ever have.

Razzy Blue Smoothie

Credits: JoyFoodSunshine

This naturally sweet and creamy, frosty cold smoothie packs a lot of flavours and a nutritious punch. It certainly meets all of the criteria for a winning workout smoothie, with ingredients like almonds, oats, flax, yoghurt, blueberries, and bananas high in carbs and protein. Buttermilk is also used in this recipe, an unusual but pleasantly creamy and tangy addition that all would enjoy.

Tropical Teaser Smoothie

Credits: Texanerin

This fruit-filled vegan smoothie can transport you to the tropics. It also has plenty of protein from soy milk and tofu. Pineapple and canteloupe add sweetness, while lime juice and coconut extract are tropical. You can also use yoghurt instead of tofu and substitute orange juice and cow's milk for the soy.

Green Monster Smoothie

Credits: Asaucykitchen

A delicious post-workout snack that will keep you satisfied for hours!" The banana and peanut butter flavours mask the taste of the spinach entirely. Freeze the bananas and spinach before prepping everything for the week. Many love the recipe; some recommend making simple substitutions, such as substituting almond butter for peanut butter, rice milk for cow's milk, pineapple for banana, or adding protein powder.

Apple Vanilla Smoothie

Credits: Recipe Runner

Apples aren't commonly used in smoothie recipes. Tart apple is combined with milk, orange juice, banana, vanilla protein powder, and flax for an energising drink. It isn't a common smoothie but worth a try.