Effective ways to remove stubborn Holi colours from clothes

From : Lifestyle Desk
Mar 19, 2022

While some people like to keep the celebration quite simple and do tilak with powdered colours, some let loose and immerse themselves in colour.  Stubborn colours from water balloons and pichkaris are sure difficult to take off.

Here too, the hard work really starts when you try to remove these stubborn Holi colours from your clothes. So here we bring you some best tips and tricks you can try this Holi to remove Holi colours from your clothes.


Enjoying Holi in white colour clothes has a different feel. Thankfully, there’s a way to get rid of stained colours from white Holi dresses. You have to soak your clothes in Non-chlorine bleach with lukewarm water and see the magic. Wash your white clothes separately so that they would stay safe from any type of discolouration or leeching from other coloured cloth.

White vinegar

If bleach is not available at your home, you can try white vinegar. It is easily available in every household. One has to take around 2-3 litres of cold water in a bucket. Then pour half a cup of White Vinegar with 2-3 spoons of any cloth washing soap. Gradually the reaction will form acid and make your stains vanish.


The best and natural substitute for vinegar is lemon juice. It is equally helpful in removing stains due to acidic levels. One has to soak their clothes in lemon juice for 15 minutes, and you can wash them separately. Since they have a strong acidic nature, keep an eye on the timing if you dip it.

Window cleaner

If you want to try something new, then you can use a clear-ammonia based window cleaner also. Pour it on the targeted areas and wash it in cool water after 15-20 minutes.

Pro tips:

When you are done with playing colours and celebrating, dip the stained clothes in water as early as possible. The longer the colour stays on clothes, the harder it will be to remove them.

While washing clothes carefully, wear gloves and use a soft old toothbrush to apply the washing remedy.

Remember not to mix stain removal products and two different stained clothes in one place.

Do not dry the garment because that will set the stain permanently.

Don’t use chlorine bleach on coloured garments as it will fade and discolour the fabric.