Give your rice a nutritional twist this summer

By : Foodie Spidey
Mar 19, 2022

Rice is one of the most common staple food in many parts of the globe.  Similarly, a traditional Indian meal is incomplete without a portion of rice in it. Rice is easy to digest that can be enjoyed with the combination of any daal, curry or vegetable. Since summers are  approaching and rice consumption is going to increase, you may find a leftover bowl of rice in the fridge. So if you are wondering how to turn simple white rice into magical mouthwatering flavours, you have landed at the right place! Here are some healthy ideas to give rice delicious and nutritional twist you must try this summer season.

Egg Rice: One of the easiest yet wonderful combinations of protein and carbohydrate is egg and rice. Aside from being an excellent method of protein intake it also tastes yummy and gives you a feeling of fullness for a longer time. You can also add some flavoured spices, herbs and sauce to give it a chatpta taste, which every Indian crave!

Collect the following written ingredients :

Steps to prepare egg rice:

Beetroot Pulao: it’s time to move on from regular veggie pulao and turn things red! Enjoy beetroot pulao mixed with some spices and great flavours. A bowl of beetroot pulao will surely give you enough vitamin  C, potassium and iron before a workout.

Collect the following written ingredients :

 Steps to prepare Beetroot Pulao:

Brown rice mushroom: You can extract more fibre from brown rice than white rice. This combination of mushroom and rice is a rich source of protein, carbohydrates, low calories and antioxidants. Once it is ready, you can sprinkle some salt and your favourite spices.


Collect the following written ingredients :

Steps to prepare brown rice mushroom:

Pot- chicken rice: This recipe is tasty and healthy but requires  little effort. To prepare chicken all you need to do is to add  chicken, masalas and rice together.

Collect the following written ingredients :

Steps to prepare pot- chicken rice: