This World Water Day, Know 7 practical ways to conserve water

From : Lifestyle Desk
Mar 22, 2022

"Water, water, everywhere, not a drop to drink," said Coleridge in his poem where a sailor is stranded amidst a saltwater lake. The lines become reflective of our present situation where despite water sources, pollution and over-exploitation have rendered water a scanty resource.

According to a study by UNICEF, half of the world's population could be living in areas facing water scarcity by as early as 2025.

But what are we doing to save water? And how can we contribute to that? Confused? Not to worry because we have the solution to your questions. Mentioned below is the list to conserve water, follow these guidelines and give your contribution to save water:

1. Keep a check on running water

If you're brushing your teeth or washing your hands, don't leave the tap running. You've probably heard this one before so, turn off the faucet while cleaning and then turn it back on when you're ready to rinse.

2. As soon as possible, fix any leaks

Drip Drip Drip! Keep an eye out for leaking taps, dripping shower heads, rusted pipes, and other symptoms of water damage. To avoid wasting any more water, find the solution to the leak and fix it right away.

3. Only wash full loads

Before you start washing utensils or clothes, make sure they are both full. Use your energy-saving options for light washes and smaller loads if your machine has them. Look for water-saving machines with settings that allow you to adjust to load size when it's time to buy a new machine. Also, use sensor taps in your kitchen and washbasin to say more water.

4. Lawns do not need daily watering

Lawns do not require daily watering, even in the summertime. Watering your grass only once every three days encourages deeper root growth, making it healthier and more water-efficient. And if you are watering your grass when the sun is out, you're watering the sun, not the lawns. Because water evaporates quickly. So, water the grass early in the morning or in the evening.

5. Make use of a composting bin

Because in-sink garbage disposal requires a lot of water to function properly, consider using a compost bin instead. Or you can also make some DIY solutions for sink waste. It's better for the environment while also decreasing water waste and keeping your kitchen clean.

6. Wrap pipes in insulation

Insulate exposed pipes throughout the house, particularly in the attic and basement. It takes longer for water to heat up when they aren't insulated, which means it is running for extended periods. You can also speed up the process by covering the water heater with an insulating blanket.

7. Put RO residual water to good use
The water discharged from RO can be collected and reused without major efforts. This water can be easily used for cleaning your porch or backyard and giving your faucets an occasional cleanup. However, do not use it for skin and hair.