Ways to burn visceral fat with walking

From : Lifestyle Desk
Mar 28, 2022

Belly fat is easily visible and losing it is the most common health  goal many individuals want to achieve. Although this may be the  topmost priority for you, have you ever focused on visceral body fat?  Visceral body fat also refers to hidden fat that is stored deep inside  the body such as wrapped around the organs, belly, liver and intestine.

High levels of Visceral body fat can have immense health complications. Fortunately, experts reveal losing hidden fat is easier  than losing stubborn fat accumulated under the skin. Besides eating  healthy food, mindful consumption, a balanced lifestyle, and focused exercising are necessary.

Those who do not get time to go out for workout sessions can still  earn the benefit from walking. Although strength training is important  for losing fat, underrated activities like walking can help too. So  here is the best way to increase your visceral fat burn while walking.

Pick up your pace: another way to burn more calories and fat while  walking is to walk faster. If you are habitual of walking at a slow  pace, pick up and walk waster. Always challenge yourself for power  walking, try to go faster always in comparison to your last walk. Take  your regular route for a walk and keep an eye on your watch, plan to  beat your earlier time. if you are a beginner and building up your  stamina, alternate between periods of short, brisk walks and your  regular pace.

Also read | Calisthenic exercises for strengthening the core

Hold the weight: in order to lose more weight while walking is to work harder. One can do it by holding hand weights while walking. Start by  holding a pair of lighter weights (2 to 3 pounds). Carry them with  your normal walking routine. You can do minimal exercises like lifting  your arms up and down while walking. To strengthen up one can also add  in some exercises such as curls, presses, and lateral raises to work  your upper body.

Walk up hills: when one increases the level of difficulty, it helps  them to burn more calories. To make the task tough while walking you  can walk up the hills in your local community. When you walk up a  hill, your body creates pressure to work harder. Focus shifts towards  the muscle fibres in the hips and quads, and ultimately burns more  fat. Find a hill, and start walking all the way up, then back down.  Repeat for a few more rounds. Stairs are the best substitute for hills.

Walking lunges: when you are walking in a park or your personal space,  give yourself some space for the movement by taking a long stride and  stepping forward with one leg. This is called walking lunges. Start  with planting your one foot in front then lower yourself under control  until the back knee gently touches the ground. Once the knee touches  the ground, step through with the other leg, and repeat. Repeat the  exercise 10- 12 times.

These exercises will not only help to reduce the hidden fat but also  support a positive lifestyle and encourage healthy living. Try the  exercises regularly and enjoy the results.