Ways to make your child take the bitter pill

From : Lifestyle Desk
Mar 29, 2022

The inability to swallow pills has never been addressed seriously, but those who can not gulp it can only explain how tough it could be!  Swallowing a pill is like a skill to learn just like we learn to write. Problems arise when you find it difficult to swallow since childhood. Similar issues can continue till teenage and even in adulthood. How many children suffer from this problem is difficult to tell?

Although there are various techniques and tricks that can teach the correct methods of eating pills. But why do children find it onerous to gulp a pill? Experts reveal it might be because parents are not aware of using effective methods to teach the same. The average age when a child is ready to eat a pill is 4 to 6 years.

However, it is easier to find an alternate medicine for kids with chewable and liquid versions of medicine but these tend to be costly.  Especially when they turn into teenagers, finding liquid or chewable medicines with higher doses is difficult. Situations can be irritating when you face the same issue in adulthood and it is an emergency to gulp a medicine. So here are some methods you can try to assist your kid with a way to eat pills easily.

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Since nobody is recommended to eat medicine without any cause, do not practice with any sort of medication. It can lead to severe outcomes.  Instead of medicine, offer your kid practice with some candies of various sizes. Things like gems, tic-tac and M&Ms will work well. You can also let them play with apples sliced or cut into various sizes and shapes. As medicines come in different shapes and sizes.