Make your skincare regime summer-friendly

From : Lifestyle Desk
Mar 30, 2022

Skincare is one of the topmost requirements of many people nowadays but do you know that it has to shift every season? Your winter skincare has to go away when you welcome summers. As the scorching hot weather has already arrived your skin does not go well with a thick layer of moisture. Instead, you may require lightweight products.  Perfect skincare not only nourishes the skin but also helps to cool and give it a soft appearance. So the change in season also requires a  change in your skincare routine. Here are the four ways that will help  you to switch your skincare routine from winter to summer:


Hydration is necessary. When it comes to skin health,  moisturising is an important step. You can reap full benefits from the skincare regime when you know your skincare type. Moisturising will leave you with perfectly soft and supple skin with a natural glow.  With a proper application of moisturiser, one needs to drink an adequate amount of water to keep yourself hydrated.

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You may not use SPF in winters because of chilled weather but as summers are hot and irritating it can lead to tanning. Therefore it is important to always apply sunscreen. While choosing the SPF, consider your skin type. According to Health Shots, a health website women with normal to dry skin may use a cream-based sunscreen. Pick a gel-based,  light sunscreen for oily and acne-prone skin. This will help you stay protected from skin tanning and harmful UV rays.


Exfoliating offers your skin a new life. Sheet masks,  moisturisers and exfoliating help an individual to keep skin pores clean.

Diet and workout

To look young, radiant and fresh, a good diet and exercise routine is one to help you out. Consuming a clean balanced diet, regular exercising and drinking enough water. Not only help you to stay toxins-free but also make you look fresh. One should focus on all types of seasonal fruits as they are rich in various vitamins.  That can boost your immune system and ultimately make your skin, hair and nails look beautiful.