City Spidey yoga camp a hit in Sector 82

By : Samrat Roy
Feb 20, 2016

Sector 82 residents came out in full force this morning to take part in an hour-long yoga camp organised by City Spidey. Held at the open grounds of the sector's community centre, the session conducted by yoga gurus Abhay Singh and Rana Pratap had participants trying out asanas including Bhujangasana and Chakrasana.  

The idea behind the two-day camp (February 20-21) was to establish a one-on-one contact with the residents and announce the arrival of City Spidey, "the friendly neighbourhood app and website" that aims at community building. And what better way to convey the refreshing message than through yoga! 

For all those who missed out on the camp today, no sweat. Tomorrow is another day. Just be there at 7 am for another fantastic yoga session with City Spidey.


CALM WHERE THE ACTION IS: Yoga gurus Abhay Singh and Rana Pratap start the session at 7 in the morning.


THE SCIENCE BEHIND: Stressed out? Sick of that stiff, aching back? Give Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) a try.


SOUL SURFING: The yoga session included Kapalbhati, the asana that strengthens abdominal muscles.


HOW ABOUT THIS? Residents try the Chakrasana, or the Wheel pose.


SOUND WAVE: Chanting Om, a central aspect of yoga, is said to generate positive vibrations.

 WHAT NEXT? Anulom Vilom Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise) had everyone breathing in and out.


MASTER STROKE: The session by yoga guru Abhay Singh was a classic mix of modern and traditional techniques.