Different types of cheese

By : Foodie Spidey
Jun 04, 2022

New Delhi: Ah, those delicious, fragrant pieces of goodness that turn every other food into heavenly treats! Heat it and it melts into a gooey extravagance that blends with anything that it's spread on or served  with. Yes, I’m talking about cheese in all its glory.

Whether you eat cheese on its own, team it up with crackers, sprinkle it on pastas, or spread it between slices of bread, it's always a delight. Our favourite grilled sandwiches, pizzas and salads are always delicious in taste with lots of cheese in them.

If you're cheese lover and can’t resist adding it to your food, here are different types of cheese that you simply need to realize:

1. Mozzarella

The origins of Mozzarella come from Italy. Earlier, it had been made using the milk of water buffalos reared in Italy and Bulgaria. Most of the Mozzarella cheeses available today, however, are made up of cow’s milk.

The semi-soft Mozzarella is meant to be consumed fresh, within a couple of hours of being made up of pasteurized or unpasteurized cow. It isn’t difficult to make mozzarella at home. It is quite versatile and may be used in making salads, pizzas, meat and vegetable recipes.

2. Parmesan

Parmesan cheese is one among the foremost commonly eaten cheeses on the planet. It has a tough, crumbly texture and a fruity, nutty flavour. Its creation was inspired by the Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese from Parma, Italy.

It is made up of unpasteurized cow’s milk. While it is often eaten on its own, it's also widely used in a grated form over soups, risottos, pizzas, pastas and other snacks.

3. Cheddar

Rich in protein content, cheddar is additionally referred to as a highly nutritious cheese type while being rich in calories and thus, you want to consider before binging on it. It has its origin in England and is named after a village called Cheddar. With a touch creamy flavour, cheddar features a smooth texture and for a far better taste.

As it ages, the taste of this cheese sharpens and becomes tasty and tangy. This cheese can be used in making grilled appetizers and main dishes like Mac and cheese, Cheese Toasts, Cheese Cauliflower Pasta, and Cheese and Garlic Chicken.

4. Feta

Feta is a Greek cheese made with sheep and goat milk. It’s a white brined cheese, salty, tangy, and moist, with a texture which will go from crumbly to moderately creamy.

Crumble Feta cheese in salads and over roasted vegetables, add it to your sandwiches, add it in tacos and other Mexican dishes. Feta are often also served alongside olives, peppers, olive oil, and fresh flatbread.

5. Gouda

Most people cannot pronounce this cheese and it is often paired with wine or casserole dishes. It is pronounced as ‘How-da’ and is named  after the Gouda city in the Netherlands. Made from cow’s milk, Gouda features a creamy-rich flavour.

The quality and taste of Gouda cheese increases. This cheese is usually aged for a minimum of 4 weeks and a maximum of 36 weeks. With this cheese, you can prepare grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni, salads and soups.

6. Swiss Cheese

This cheese only reminds me of my favourite Tom and Jerry show. Cheese which has holes in it.
The Swiss are known for their cheeses and Emmental is a type of cheese that has become iconic the world over. Mild in both colour and flavour the foremost distinctive aspect of this cheese is that the holes that form during the assembly of the cheese.

Made from cow’s milk, the name comes from the region it originates  from, the river Emme in Bern. This is a cheese which will differ in  flavour counting on how it's made but it is generally smooth in texture  and mild in taste with a buttery and nutty flavour. This is another cheese that melts rather well, so any recipe that needs melted cheese is ideal, although it's also lovely cold and in sandwiches!

There is an old proverb that goes, “Cheese, wine, and friends must be old to be good.”. Tell us your favourite cheese in the comment section below!

This story is a replug on Cheese Day