Maintain your metabolism with yoga

From : Lifestyle Desk
Jun 20, 2022

As a person starts ageing, different factors such as muscle mass and lack of physical activity can slow the metabolic process. Metabolism refers to the metabolic (chemical) process that helps to convert calories into energy. A slow metabolic rate can result in weight gain and invite disorders. Experts suggest that a balanced diet and lifestyle can help maintain a healthy metabolic rate. One of the ways to rev up your metabolism is by practising yoga.

Practising yoga itself may not burn calories (like running) but it certainly increases your metabolism. Yoga and certain breathing techniques improve one’s oxygen intake and warm up the body. The ancient exercise form also stimulates and strengthens our endocrine organs, revving up the metabolic rate further. Moreover, the poses are designed to melt fat deposits by stretching, compressing and twisting the body.

Here are a few yoga asanas that one can do easily to boost metabolism.

Utkatasana or chair pose

This exercise works well on the lower body muscles of an individual including the pelvic region. This exercise also helps to strengthen the shoulder and arm muscles. Here is how you can do the asana.

Shalabhasana or Locust Pose

This pose helps to alleviate stomach related illnesses and improve conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS. It also helps to tone and strengthen the back and hip muscles. You need to follow the following written steps to follow this asana.

Also read: Maintain your metabolism with these yoga asanas

Trikonasana or Triangle Pose

This asana helps to reduce stress which ultimately improves the overall body functioning. People with back injuries should avoid this pose. This pose also helps to stimulate the body organs. Here is how you can do it.

Setu Bandhasana or Bridge pose

This asana provides a great massage to the digestive system. It stretches the neck, chest and spine. Here is how you can do it.

Follow these asanas every day to achieve a healthy metabolic rate. Happy Yoga!

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