Four beneficial Yoga poses for elderly!

From : Lifestyle Desk
Jun 21, 2022

The slowing of abilities with age is inevitable. Yet, regular yoga practice can not only enhance immunity but also integrates the body, mind, and spirit to achieve tranquilly and peace in later life.

People of all ages and areas can benefit from the numerous approaches that yoga has to offer.  This is one of the main reasons why yoga has grown so popular among older citizens. 

Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means 'to combine.' Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says that yoga is a study of life, a study of your body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego. In a sentence, he says Yoga is "Research into your inner abilities."

We've compiled a list of four yoga asanas that are suitable for older adults. These four asanas are good since they boost their self-efficacy and sense of well-being. These four yoga asanas for seniors will help them stay healthy, active, and fit.


Credit: Hugger Mugger

The 'Triangle Pose' is also known as Trikonasana. 'Tri' means 'Three,' 'Kona' means 'Angle or Corners,' and 'Asana' means 'Posture.' In Sanskrit, 'Tri' means 'Three,' 'Kona' means 'Angle or Corners,' and 'Asana' means 'Posture.'
How to Do It:
-Stand up straight. Then, with your feet 3-4 feet apart, softly leap. Turn your right toes inwards and your left toes slightly inwards.
-Raise your arms to shoulder level.
-To form a triangle, raise the left arm and put the right hand on your right ankle or the floor.
-Breathe in and out while keeping the legs stiff.
-Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds.
-Release and repeat the technique on the opposite side.

Trikonasana lowers blood pressure, which is a prevalent condition among the elderly. It gives one's life steadiness, strength, and stamina. It's also beneficial for arm and leg strength.


Credit: Shree Verma

The 'Cobra Pose' is also known as Bhujangasana. 'Bhujanga' means 'Snake' or 'Serpent' in Sanskrit, while 'Asana' means 'Posture.'
How to Do It
-On a comfortable surface, lie flat on your stomach (preferably on a yoga mat)
-Maintain a tight grip on your feet and press them on the floor.
-Now, with your elbows close to your body, place your hands beneath your shoulders.
-Make your body more stable.
-Now take a deep breath and lift your head and torso off the ground to form a cobra stance.

Bhujangasana stimulate the abdominal organs, which helps elders avoid constipation. It improves back and leg strength opens the heart and lungs and mobilises the spine.


Credit: Fitebell

The 'Mountain Pose' is also known as Tadasana. 'Tada' means 'Mountain,' and 'Asana' means 'Pose,' in Sanskrit.
How to Do It:
-Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides, straight.
-Spread your toes out on the floor and press them down.
-Make sure your body weight is evenly distributed between both of your feet.
-Align your head and back.
-Lengthen your spine with each inhale and strive to reach the crown of your head towards the sky.
-Let your shoulders relax and reach towards the earth with your fingertips.
-Stay in this position for 5-6 minutes.
Mountain position is beneficial to elders because it improves posture. It improves their weak legs and ankles, allowing them to move about more easily. It also alleviates back discomfort and pains, which are frequent among the elderly.


Credit: Alserv

The 'Corpse Pose' is another name for Savasana. 'Shava' means 'Corpse,' and 'Asana' means 'posture,' in Sanskrit.

How to Do It:
-Lie down on your yoga mat with your arms and legs relaxed and straight. Your body -should be as flat as possible in this position.
-Raise your knees to your chest and straighten your back. Then, while maintaining the back's posture, return the legs to their resting position.
-Relax your neck and back.
-Throughout the position, inhale and exhale. Pay attention to each breath you take.

A brief yoga session followed by Shavasana is a great way to relieve stress. It enhances focus, which improves the elderly's quality of life. Shavasana also alleviates sleeplessness, which is a frequent chronic condition among the elderly.

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