City Spidey yoga camp: Round 2!

By : Samrat Roy
Feb 21, 2016

Sector 82 residents joined City Spidey at the sector's community centre on the second day of its yoga drive. The excitement among residents was palpable, with a bigger and more enthusiastic turnout that spanned all age groups. Yoga gurus Abhay Singh and Rana Pratap took the session to the next level, introducing the residents to a few of the more advanced yoga poses.

The idea behind the two-day camp (February 20-21) was to establish a one-on-one contact with the residents and announce the arrival of City Spidey, "the friendly neighbourhood app and website" that aims at community building. 

We had a great time. Hope you did too. Keep practising. Till next time!


HEEL OVER HEAD: Yoga guru Abhay Singh strikes a pose.


THE FLEXIBILITY FACTOR: Residents join City Spidey on the second day of its wellness drive.


WITH RAPT ATTENTION: Residents follow the yoga guru's lead.


STARTING YOUNG: This kid turned out to be a quick learner.


BALANCING ACT: The yoga guru strikes a perfect Vrikshasana (the tree pose).