Dietary tips for a healthy Monsoon

By : Community Reporter
Jul 02, 2022

As the monsoons arrive, we all are tempted to indulge in some spicy street treats. While the chaat, samosas and tea on the street side amidst cool weather can be an enjoyable experience, it may also bring some health issues. To what to avoid and what to consume more during monsoons to be healthy, we talked to Dr Reema, a well-known nutritionist from Noida. Here are some important excerpts from our discussion-

"Creating a balance between immunity and nutrition is important," says Dr Reema. She adds that according to Ayurveda, we have to adapt Rituacharya which is the ancient Ayurvedic practice and is comprised of two words, 'Ritu' which means season and 'Charya' which means Regimen or discipline. Ritucharya consists of an ayurvedic diet routine to cope with the bodily and mental impacts caused by seasonal change.

Reema explains the effect of monsoon on health. She explains that the chances of getting an infection such as flu, cold, cough, food poisoning, and diarrhoea are higher during monsoons. Besides this, Covid is not over yet. "It's necessary to maintain a balance in your meal not only for getting nutrients but for boosting your immunity and strengthening gut health during Monsoon," she says.

Dr Reema suggests some dietary tips to stay healthy during monsoons-

Soups, herbal kadhas, and tumeric tea: These, as per Dr Reema, will help in boosting immunity and balance the electrolyte in the body. People who eat non-veg can add bone broth, as it will increase nutrients in the body.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables such as pears, peaches, and plums as it is rich in vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants. Vegetables like bottle guard, guard, and ash guard can be healthy during monsoons. Don't include cauliflower as it is not seasonal.

Jamun which has low-calorie content and is loaded with nutrients – iron, folate, potassium, and vitamins can be a valuable addition during monsoon. Java plum or Jamun helps in treating gastric problems which may occur during Monsoon. It helps in treating diseases and stomach problems that tend to occur during the rainy season.

Add herbs to your diet such as ginger as it will help in boosting immunity and turmeric as it has antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties that will help to fight infection and boost your immunity. Add a few more spices to your herbal tea such as black pepper and cinnamon as it will help in good digestion.

Take care of hygiene- Eating outside should be avoided as the temperature outside is humid and the food is more susceptible to contamination. Moreover, make sure that drinking water is clean. One thing to keep in mind is that wash your green leafy vegetables properly before cooking.

"It is important to take care of your body during monsoons. If you take your food as medicine, you will never need any medicine," says Dr Reema.