Monsoon skin problems and how to prevent them

From : Lifestyle Desk
Jul 09, 2022

With the arrival of the monsoon, the hot and humid climatic condition adds to the risk of having skin infections. Thus, it is important to be extra careful about skin during such season.

Dr. Mohna Chauhan, a dermatologist based in Delhi NCR says that in the rainy season, the cases of skin infection rise. On being asked about the primary cause for increase in such cases, she says, "Friction from constantly rubbing off the sweat leads to red and irritated skin. Sweat that tends to stay on the body folds may lead to skin maceration."

Dr. Mohna Chauhan

She further tells that such fungal infection is usually seen in the groin area, and in between toes. "It is caused by a fungus called  Trichophyton rubrum," says she.

According to Dr. Mohna, in women, these fungal infections are more likely to occur near the breast, buttocks, toes, and groin areas, and there is a need to be more careful during the menstrual cycle. "During monsoon, sweat dermatitis or eczema are more likely to occur due to the excess humidity and heat," adds Dr. Mohna.

Along with this, Dr. Mohna tells that facial skin care is very necessary during monsoon. She says that due to excess heat, the skin is more prone to rosacea, which is not an infection but an internal condition causing redness and small zits on one's face.

Dr. Gulhima Arora, another dermatologist from Delhi NCR, adds that bacterial infections such as boils are more common in hot and humid weather. The fungal infections, she says, are contagious and must be treated as soon as possible as they can spread fast. She suggests to avoid over-the-counter creams which contain steroids as they can damage the skin further.

Dr. Gulhima Arora

She tells that parasitic and protozoal infections which may cause allergies due to the consumption of contaminated food and drink is also more common in the monsoon season.

We asked both the dermatologists to suggest some ways to avoid any skin infections and maintain skin hygiene. A few tips that they gave are-

The rainwater is considered to be a pure form of water as it is distilled. However, in present times, with the pollutants from factories and vehicular emissions among other sources in the air, the rain brings down all the particulate matter with them. Thus, rainwater is now contaminated with nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Both of these substances cause damage to the skin and hair. 

On being asked about how to cure the insect bites during monsoon as they become very common, Dr. Mohna says, "It's their breeding season, thus is it very common. They should ideally see a dermatologist, especially if the bites like herpes. Once it's confirmed that it's not herpes, then you should wash it with normal soap and normal water and dry it. Use simple creams such as soframycin over it and avoid harsh creams such as betnovat, ring guard and pen drum."

Dr. Gulhima says that prevention is better than cure and thus, one can prevent insect bites with the use of mosquito patches and insect repellents. Use calamine lotion for instant relief from the itch.