Experiment this to balance your work life and increase productivity at workplace

From : Lifestyle Desk
Feb 01, 2023

New Delhi: Work-life balance related things look different for everybody, some need to manage their work pressure and others to manage their time. Most people complain about feeling overburdened or having less time and more work. According to researchers, it is seen due to the fear of job loss and insecurities.

Work-life balance is a key to self-care. You have to understand that working late for a night or two is fine but if it is becoming the norm then that is a problem. Giving proper time to your personal life is equally important. This will not only balance your work life but also contribute to increasing productivity to work more efficiently.

Due to a bad work-life balance, you can develop several issues in your life. Longer hours in front of the screen can have a harmful effect on your eyes, weight gain can be a problem, and you can also suffer from mental stress. To maintain personal health you must learn how to create a balance between work life and personal life. 

Here are 5 ways you must do to balance your work life.

Utilise your leaves

Taking your assigned leaves should not be avoided. Use your leaves properly and plan your vacation. Give time to yourself and your family during the off days. Sleep in or watch movies but do take a proper break.

Learn to say ‘No’

Saying ‘No’ to seniors is tough. This becomes the reason for many problems if you do not communicate properly. Don't accept the work or responsibilities which are overburdening.

Take proper breaks

Be it working from home or the office, proper breaks are a must. You don't have to work continuously without a break. Go for a tea break or just hang out with your colleagues and gossip.

Disconnecting is important

When you are not working, make sure that you are away from your office work. Disconnect from work completely and invest in personal time. If you are not present physically but answering all the calls and emails then it means your brain is occupied with the work.

Prioritise your health

If you are not well then make sure you take a proper break and give time to yourself. Prioritise your health because if your health is fine you will be available to deliver work.